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04 Feb 2022

The Grange Supports Dignity Action Day 2022 in Style

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The Grange were proud to support Dignity Action Day on February 1st.

Dignity Action Day  is an annual opportunity for health and social care workers, and the public, to uphold people’s rights to dignity and provide a memorable day for people who use care services.

The Wellbeing team at The Grange organised an fun afternoon of tea and cake for all residents and staff. To show their appreciation for the staff and the residents the team created poems for everyone which were great fun and very much appreciated. They also had a very special personalised cake made which everybody agreed tasted even better than it looked

A Digni-Tree was created and staff and residents were invited to write on a leaf what dignity means to them. This prompted some enlightening conversation around the theme of dignity.

Everyone agreed that it had been a wonderful, and thought provoking afternoon and thanked the Wellbeing team for their efforts in making it happen.

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